Pharmacist Career Research Paper

Words: 1411
Pages: 6

Deciding a future may be one of the hardest decisions a person will ever make. So many different paths, yet we can only walk one. Deciding my future was extremely difficult. As I applied for colleges this past fall, I was sure I was going to major in biochemistry. I had plans to attend medical school and to become a pediatrician. Since then, my plans have changed multiple times. Just recently, I decided to change my major to a pre-pharmacy program. As I looked into the pre-pharmacy/MBA dual major program, I knew that this was an ideal program for me. The only major questions that remained were the necessary classes, scheduling, and most importantly: what school and graduate school I would attend. After finding this program, I discovered that …show more content…
What exactly do pharmacists do, and what form of pharmaceutical career do I see myself in? First, to become a pharmacist I would have to partake in 6 years of schooling and obtain a Pharm.D. , which is simply a doctorate in pharmaceutical studies. After these six long years –all spent at the University of South Carolina – I would begin to look into careers. Fink writes, “job opportunities for pharmacists are expected to grow, mainly due to the increased pharmaceutical needs of an older population” (3). This is great news, but what are these job opportunities, and where can I go to make them readily …show more content…
Clinical pharmacy is a mixture of pharmaceutical careers that would keep me on my toes rather than sitting behind a desk from eight to five. This career presents the opportunity to pursue my former dreams of becoming a pediatrician by still being involved in the health care practice, and to work in the field of my newfound passion that is chemistry. Clinical pharmacists work to better a patient’s care by evaluating medical needs and the medicine itself. They are “practitioners who provide comprehensive medication management and related care for patients in all health settings. They are licensed pharmacists…” (“About Clinical Pharmacists”). Careers in this field would be located in any region with a hospital, or healthcare facility of any kind. Although clinical pharmacy sounds perfect, I know I have to keep my options open for