Pharmacist Career Research Paper

Words: 1133
Pages: 5

I choose the career of a pharmacist to focus on in this unit. Pharmacists are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use.

Many people like this career for it’s great pay, hours, and that you don’t have to deal with emergency like situations. However, this job takes many years of education, training and certification. A pharmacist training requires a doctoral or professional degree. WIth this said, the education of a pharmacist consists of getting a high school diploma from an accredited high school and attending an undergraduate program at any school you desire. (You must first be accepted to the school with the undergraduate program of course.) The undergraduate program can take 3-4 years, depending on how many hours you are putting in each week. With this said you go on to getting a bachelors in anything you wish to pursue majoring in. For example, some of the things you could possibly major in are biology, art and
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Examples of promptness, neatness and cleanness used in the work environment are when you are creating the prescription drug for the patient and you must be precise and prompt about every calculation. Your work area should be neat and where you making the prescription drugs should be sanitary and clean. No errors should be made you should be efficient in everything you do. It is your job as a pharmacist to follow your empolyers code of conduct. They are there to tell you how to ethically act when you are on duty as a pharmacist. Sometimes you may come across a patient who is having a bad day or just needs a little more help than others and that is fine. You should be empathetic with these patients. Put yourself in their shoes. You should never do tasks that are out of your scope of practice, do what you are trained to do. Even if someone tells you it is safe to do so, it is out of your