The differences between a Doctor and a PA is the amount of schooling they have. Doctors have to go through 4 years of medical school to earn their doctorate on top of the 4 years they had to do of undergrad to earn their degree, so doctors have to go through a minimum of 8 years of college total. PA’s only have to go through 4 years of college plus however anymore years it takes to get the requirements it take to get there license. There aren’t many differences about doctors and PA’s except the pay, years of schooling, and titles. They all do the same thing which …show more content…
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics/Occupational Outlook Handbook,( What They Do) For example they have to review all their patience Medical history before they treat them. They also have to conduct physical exams to check patient’s health. This is also known as a check up or a physical. PA’s also have the responsibility of ordering or interpreting diagnostic exams or test. The test that they are examining or ordering are usually x-rays, Blood test, and MRI’s which are all test specialized to find out problems in peoples bodies. But along with these test people need treatment. PA’s are also licensed to give treatment for setting broken bones as well as immunizing patients. Physicians Assistants have pretty much the same work environment options as any other physician. ( Work Environments)The usual work environments are Hospitals State, Local, and private. Some more examples are offices of health practitioners, out patients care centers, and Government jobs. PA’s hold about 86,700 jobs in the United States, there are 148,523,000 jobs in the U.S. so it is a very small field compare to all the jobs that are in America. But they are on the better half of the spectrum in salary earnings because they’re very important people and there not a lot of …show more content…
(How To Become One) The 1st thing you need to do is graduate with your Master’s degree, then you have to go to some health care related jobs such as interning things of that nature. Once you have got all of that stuff done you can enter the field and start practicing medicine under a Physician. Then when you’re working starts your career which is very busy. PA’s like Physicians are always on call. This means that once there called in to work they must show up for whatever they are needed for. There are lots of things that you need to be a Physician Assistant, one of those things are emotional stability. You see a lot of gruesome things being a PA and you need to be calm and collected at all times so you don’t worry the patient. A few more things you need are things like compassion, communication skills, problem solving skills, etc. All of these things are needs so you are able to help the patient as best and fast as