Police Brutality Research Paper

Words: 601
Pages: 3

Dear Joe Biden, My name is Eduardo Lauchu. I am a thirteen-year-old from Saline, Michigan. My topic for this letter is Police Brutality. Did you know that 95% of police brutality deaths are males and are Hispanic or African American? I care about police brutality because I believe that police officers need to be upheld for their mistakes. Police brutality is when police use excessive unnecessary force on people that tend to be colored or part of the LGBT community. Police brutality is an injustice because lower class people tend to be targeted, police officers aren't getting consequences for their actions, and people of color are getting targeted. To begin with, police brutality is an injustice because African American/ Hispanic Latinos tend …show more content…
Secondly, police brutality is an injustice because police officers aren't getting consequences for their actions. According to CNN, in the article titled “Why it's rare for police to get consequences for their actions.” it says “It’s rare because the juries are very reluctant to second guess and judge the actions of on-duty police officers in violent street encounters,” said Philip Matthew Stinson, a criminal justice professor at Bowling Green State University who spearheads a group that tracks data on police crimes.” This proves that a lot of police officers do things that are wrong but it goes unnoticed because the judge/jury is worried about second guessing an on- Lastly, police brutality is an injustice because lower class people tend to be targeted. According to the Institute for Family Studies, the article titled “They’re Out to Get You’: Police Misconduct in White, Working-Class America” says, “the rate of police killings increased as census tract poverty increased, with the level of police killings in the highest-poverty quintile more than three times that of the lowest-poverty