During these holdings voters are the ones who elect the candidates to become officeholders. General elections are usually smaller than the primary ones. “The general election allows all registered voters to participate in choosing the occupants of public office from among the candidates of competing parties.” (Texas politics) In general elections parties receive votes. “Minor parties that are either new or that received less than 5 percent of the vote in [a] previous general election must collect signatures totaling 1 percent of the vote in the previous general election to get on the ballot for an upcoming general election.” (Texas politics). Therefore, these two types of elections in Texas correspond together with the nation’s political standards. During these holdings the primary election is used as a party nomination for the political offices. In a general election candidates are chosen for office within a party’s winner. In Texas the most used primaries are open and closed primaries. In open primaries any party is able to vote. However, in closed primaries voters who are registered are the only ones allowed to