Pursue College Degree

Words: 521
Pages: 3

I don’t know if it is necessarily called motivation that makes me strive to pursue a college degree. It is just something that was instilled in my upbringing that a college degree is important in life to have. I guess that answers my own question. My parents motivate me to meet their expectations of pursuing a college degree. I find it funny I am 34 years old but yet still strive to make my parents proud. I hope to take a picture with my diploma and send it to my father.


My main purpose for seeking a college degree is to make sure after retirement from the military that I am taken care of. Taken care of meaning I am able to find another job that I will love going to and not dread from day to day. I am unable to sit still without
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Ambition for future promotions in this career and the next. I always look for a way to make things better. Not necessarily to be a perfectionist but the ambition to make things better for people to come in the future. A college degree will help me better serve customers because I will have knowledge and skills gained.


Online classes are new to me so my time management skills will be worked on. I have already started on this by printing out the five-week schedule and highlighting when I need to get things done. With that I have also written down the times during the day that I will allot myself time to accomplish each assignment. I have allotted time during my lunch hour at work for reading assignments as well.


I am not one to make excuses and I know what needs to be done. If something in my life becomes an emergency there is no shame in contacting my educator for extra time if need be. SO with that being said unless something is an emergency my coursework will be completed on time. I have seeking a college degree for far too long. I have just now found the confidence in myself to pick up on this journey where I left off five years