Racial Inequalities In America

Words: 1604
Pages: 7

Racial Inequalities Racial inequality in America refers to social advantages and differences that affect different races within the United States. These may be manifest in the distribution of wealth, power, and life opportunities afforded to people based on their race or ethnicity, both historic and modern. This can be a result of historic authority, inequality of inheritance, or overall prejudice, especially against minority groups. Racial inequalities still have a major impact in today’s world, it is not as bad as it was when they had segregation but there are still hate groups in America. The United States will more than likely have the same racial conflict still and it will be an issue as the years go on because Americans do not seem to understand that everyone is equal and everyone has the same rights. In this essay, I will talk about the history of racial inequalities and the impact in America.
The history about racial inequalities is the civil rights movement that most Americans celebrate today is incomplete. People appropriately honor the activists who bravely challenged the segregation regime in the South, but people devalue the violent resistance to civil rights mounted by most institutions and individuals who supported the white supremacist, segregationist power structure of the Jim
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The United States Supreme Court’s 2013 majority opinion striking down Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder declared vestiges of Southern inequality eradicated and protective legislation no longer necessary. Many anti-civil rights activists seized the narrative that racial justice is no longer a legitimate social goal, and that efforts aimed at eliminating racial discrimination are anti-white measures that promote