They look like characters from a movie Star Wars sequel evil characters all dressed in black breathing like Darth Vader. Chapter ten by Eric Walters Racial profiling “Racial Profiling” refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin. Racial profiling or ethnic profiling is suspecting, targeting, or discriminating against a person based on their ethnicity, religion, or nationality, rather than on individual suspicion or available evidence. The act of racial profiling can cause serious damage to the student life like when the police Ms. Singh, they were in lock coming into class that was lock down could scare the student because they met think they are under attack which met cause panic around the class. The lock down rule states that we should not open the door until the lock down is over. Then after that the police came purring into the class, after that they went straight to Azeem and Haroon. They were lifted and down again flat on the floor face