When following the RTI framework, teachers see improvement across the classroom in scores and behavior. Also, special education teachers see students that do need special education services and are correctly identified. By using a three tiered approach, RTI makes sure that all students are receiving the correct intervention for their needs. While each school may have a different number of interventions for specific levels, RTI ensures that students are receiving a consistent level of intervention per level across the country (NCRTI, 2010). Tier I instruction occurs in a general education classroom and services eighty percent of the student population (ALDE, 2016). Highly-qualified teachers use “research based instructional practice” to cover state standards, different forms of modeling for examples, and checkpoint assessments to …show more content…
General education teachers are providing better instruction based on different students’ needs, as well as identifying delays in learning even for students who do not qualify for special education services (Werts et al., 2014). Another benefit of RTI is that teachers are implementing more informative assessments to better guide classroom instruction (Werts et al., 2014). Teachers are more aware of the various needs of the students which in turn creates more effective teachers. Early intervention is increasing academic levels and decreasing the special education referrals (McLesKey et al., 2013). A major benefit of RTI is the unity formed across the school from general and special education teachers to administration and specialists, even the involvement of parents and guardians is greater (Werts et al.,