School Resource Officer Research Paper

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Pages: 12

The effects of School Resource Officers in schools lowering criminal activity and juvenile delinquency Wyatt C. Newby Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Lindenwood University CCJ33300 Research Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice Professor, Rachael Gossett April 17, 2024

Abstract This research proposal will show the impact that School Resource Officers (SROs) have on the juvenile delinquency and criminal activity inside schools. Topics in this research proposal will be the roles of SROs, Adding these topics will be statistics and prior research on SROs in schools to show what effect they have on lowering juvenile delinquency and criminal activity. Through the research proposal, there will be opposing viewpoints
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For this research proposal, for me to get data on the impact of SROs in schools, will be a survey for school districts to use. The question I would pose to the school district is before you had an SRO officer in your school. How many disciplinary referrals did you have for a physical altercation between students? How many disciplinary referrals did the school have for drugs or weapons in the school? The following question would be. After having an SRO in your school has there been a decrease in physical altercation in your school? Is there a decrease in drugs and weapons in your school? Of course there can be faults in this survey due to unfounded drugs or weapons in the school. As well as fights/physical altercations that are not reported or found by the school staff. With this survey, a lot of people can fill the survey out. Such as Superintendents, principals, counselors, ISS teachers, as well as jails themselves for how many juveniles have been in the jail from school or juvenile delinquency. This will better show the insight on how the SRO presence in the school will help lower juvenile and student criminal activity. The superintendents can give information from multiple schools in the districts, where the principals can be just for the school. The counselor can give us information on how the students feel about the SRO in the school and if they feel like the SRO is making a difference in physical altercations in school and if they feel safer. This will be the survey side of finding out the data of beforehand analysis and current time of the difference a SRO officer makes in the school. I will use an evaluation, showing how a SRO can make a difference in a school. This can show both sides of a SRO impact on a school. Whether SRO makes a difference for the better or is a difference for the worst. This can be very hard