School Start Times Research Paper

Words: 517
Pages: 3

Starting school later in the morning is a topic of debate across the country. Studies seem to show that delaying the start time may have a positive impact on students, while another explains the challenges the delay would be to families and students. Medical research shows benefits on both sides. Each side wants students to have a healthier lifestyle both mentally and physically, not only for the student, but their parents as well who may have an early work schedule.supporting early school start times is more practical to align with parents work schedules. I feel that schools should keep the early start times because students would finish earlier in the day, allowing time for activities, work and family time. Students would also have more time to complete their schoolwork during the day instead of late at night.

Schools have start times that benefit the students and families of the community. First, many parents have early work that requires them to make sure their child is at school. " Advancing the time by 30 minutes as proposed,
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" Other benefits of ending school times earlier for adolescents include allowing more time to get to after-school jobs, helping with child care for younger siblings and allowing use of the school by other community organizations. By getting school out of the way, earlier, students can have more time for work, hobbies, athletics, all of which contribute to being well-rounded. Also, starting school later, wouldn't really make a difference if a student can't fall asleep or just stay up late doing other things. "Even if there are not any extracurricular activities for some teens after school, there would still be the temptation to stay up later each night because they could sleep in later the next morning.' Gaille is a. Ultimately, everyone would have to change their schedules and it just seems to only mask the sleep