1. Identify the author’s mission (task and purpose in writing this book.
Task may be expressed in terms like “to describe, “ “ to relate the events associated with, “ “ to explain, “ “to discuss,” “to analyze, “ “to use fiction as a means to,” “to address the problem of,” “to inquire into the circumstances surrounding,” “to propose” or “to argue ( a particular point).” The purpose is a statement of what the author wants the reader to take away from the book and may be expressed with “to educate,” “to convince,” “to inspire,” “to recommend a solution,” etc.
2. What part of the book was the most effective in accomplishing the author’s mission? What part of the book was the least effective
Identify the most and least convincing arguments based on what the author wrote reconciled with your experiences. For fiction, what part of the story really drew you in and what part was least interesting?
3. What does the author assume to be true in order to accomplish his mission?
Does the author validate these assumptions in the book?
4. The part of the book that is most relevant to what I / we do is: