Shut Down Your Screen Week Analysis

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Pages: 3

When I took a break from my phone one night I woke up rejuvenated: It felt as if I took in a deep breath of positivity, and my school performance that day was off the charts. Then I thought would this positively affect me if I did this more often and for longer hours? I tried it for several weeks and discovered, I was right. I think that every school should participate in “Shut Down Your Screen Week” because it could boost social skills, school performance, and general health. Foremost, taking breaks from technology boosts your social skills. When you’re constantly plugged into these devices you rarely get in person communication. As well as being able to make new friends without needing to be plugged in: “Campers say that’s what usually happens as they …show more content…
Being a technology addict is not good for your brain and it is damaging your health by the minute. I’ve realized that when I’m on my phone my posture is poor, I never get enough sleep, and instead of eating I’m texting away. When I took my technology break I was walking around instead of hunching over a phone, I got more than enough sleep, and I ate breakfast for the first time in a while. In the article ‘Addicted to Technology’ A teen addict Ben Alexander’s health is struggling because of it as well. Some symptoms most people get including Ben and I have is “… Headaches, severe pain in hands and wrists, and changes in weight are also warning signs.” These aren’t the only negative indicators. A professor of psychiatry Dr. Ronald Pies sadly states: “Many so-called 'Internet addicts' are folks who have severe depression, anxiety disorders, or social problems that make it hard to deal face-to-face with other people.” The internet makes it easy to talk to people because you’re not directly talking with the person which sometimes can be intimidating but you also can’t see their body language and tone of voice. The benefits will always outweigh the health risk from