Shut Down Your Screen Week Analysis

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Pages: 3

Parents and teachers believe that not using electronic media for an entire week would be good for students for many reasons. I believe our school should participate in the national "Shut Down your Screen Week" because when an electronic device gives you the answers that doesn't make you smarter, e-mails, texts, and posts can effect how we act or think about ourselves, and if we pay attention to our devices we get distracted from more important things. Therefore I believe "Shut Down your Screen Week" is a good idea for our school. Initially, when a device gives you the answers it doesn't make you smarter. By this I mean when you get the answers at the click of the button your brain isn't really doing anything to learn. For example, Carr (2010) explains that "What really make us intelligent isn't our ability to find lots of information quickly. It'a our ability to think deeply about that information" (para. 2). When you have great concentration our thoughts are rich and deep. For instance, “And deep thinking, brain scientist have discovered, happens only when our minds are calm and attentive. The greater our concentration, the richer our thoughts" (Carr, 2010, para. 2). When you get the answer from your device you aren't thinking deeply about the information. Overall that quick information isn't making us smarter. …show more content…
That is to say, what people say on the texts and emails can change how we act and behave. While I was researching, I found "Scientist say juggling e-mails, phone calls, and other incoming information can change how people think an behave. "They say our ability to focus is being undermined by burst of information” (Richtel, 2010, para. 4). These burst can be deadly. For instance, Richtel (2010) explains "The resulting distractions can have deadly consequences." (Para. 5.) As a result the burst of information can change how we behave, and the result could be