Social Work Intervention Plan Paper

Words: 1925
Pages: 8

Intervention goals and objectives
In fact, the planning is a key step in social work practice (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2012). Therefore, the social worker would deal with Donna’s matters through three different level of the intervention to resolve every level within the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services SRS. He would start with micro level which includes the individuals such as Donna, Steve, and a new baby. Then, the practitioner would move to the mezzo level that contains Donna’s nuclear and extended family in addition to her children. Lastly, the social worker would deal with the macro level which includes the six regional offices and 35 district offices, and the community sources such as the institutions and the churches.
Goal 1 : educate and teach Donna some parental and marital skills.
Objective: The social worker will play the role of the educator to raise Donna abilities regarding her childcare, and husband care.
Objective: The practitioner role would be educational and awareness, as well as take advantage of the relevant agencies in the community.
Objective: The social worker would develop several sessions to meet the client Donna, and he would refer her to specialists in parental and marital skills. The sessions may extend to five to six months, or more if necessary.
Goal 2 : Donna’s husband Steve treatment
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The practitioner in social work field needs the evaluation to assess the intervention process with the client and make sure if it is effective or not. The evaluation procedure is useful for the agency too because it will clarify them about several matters such as completion rate at the agency. Thus, to achieve this objective, when the social worker was working in the intervention plan of Donna, Steve, and the rest of relevant people, he used the goals and objectives that were measurable and