Social Work Research Paper

Words: 2037
Pages: 9

Assignment Topic

Social Work Group in Correctional Setting

Name : Vishvas Gautam

A person who practices social work is called a social worker. Social workers promote social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients. The term "client" is used to refer to individuals, families, groups, organizations, or communities. It has been asked by many whether principles of social work are applicable in correctional settings. In the interest of clarity, the committee specifies an array of settings in which regulations governing research with prisoners should apply, as well as a brief listing of settings for which the recommended regulations are not considered necessary.
These functions commonly include
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The activities can be grouped into three functions: restoration of impaired capacity, provision of individual and social resources and prevention of social dysfunction.” Hence, social work is a discipline, which takes preventive and remedial action on problems in several areas of society. It helps families in economic or emotional difficulty. It works in medical, and school situations. It seeks to correct the causes underlying delinquency and crime. The three functions of social work, restoration of impaired capacity, provision of individual and social resources and prevention of social dysfunction, are intertwined and interdependent. Restoration can be curative or rehabilitative. Its curative aspects are to eliminate factors, which have caused breakdown of functioning, and its rehabilitative aspects are to organise and rebuild inter-actional patterns. Provision of resources can be developmental and educational. The developmental aspects are designed to further the effectiveness of existing social resources or to bring to full use the personal abilities for more effective social interaction. The educational aspect is structured to make familiar the public with …show more content…
3) The introduction of an adult who represents the values of a society they often reject, but who, because of his accepting attitude, represents adult security and love. The delinquent can meet this adult in a group, while still feeling the support of his contemporaries and relating in different degrees of intensity. It also provides an opportunity of gaining satisfaction in the need for adventure and experimentation in various ways that are accepted by the society.

4) An opportunity to gain inner resilience and status within the group through accomplishment in activities accepted by the society. In group work in correctional settings, the programme media should be varied. The group members must allow for outlet of hostility, and not reduce the group to unacceptable behaviour. Programme should allow, at times, for the individual need of withdrawal by letting a group member do something for himself without feeling guilty that he does not participate, but help him feel accepted by presence in the group. Besides the help with outlet of feelings, a programme should include the opportunity for real achievement. It should strike a balance between more individual