I have been able to work on the skills necessary for engaging with patients and maintaining engagement. At times, the characteristics of illnesses such as schizophrenia make continued engagement with patients difficult. With the patients showing ambivalence or mental states that change from day to day. In addition, as the treating teams are multidisciplinary I have had the opportunity to use the skills necessary to effectively work with other medical and allied health professionals. Amongst the skill for effective work with clients or patients are the relationship building skills. Skills such as active listening use of self, problem solving, and self-care are important for me. Being part of a multidisciplinary team I have learnt that networking, advocacy, communication and system knowledge are also important skills to have. I believe I have been able to improve on most of these micro skills throughout placement. I am able to communicate better, which has come with practice and experience. One skill in particular I made sure I better utilized during my second placement is self-care. (pp. slide 13) There are many ways to practice self-care. One way I have found useful in doing so is physical activity and eating right. I make sure I try to go to the gym as often as I can after a placement no matter how tired I might be, as I know it will make me feel good in the end. A regular exercise program and proper nutrition can often prevent the negative aspects associated with inactivity and can help to reduce stress. As a religious person my self I find prayer, reflection, faith in God and engaging in activities with family and friends as ways to attend to my spiritual self-care. As for my social self-care I enjoy engaging in significant interaction with others for example being around friends who are not social workers. With a little bit of initiative, we are able to design ways to