Some Arguments For Banning Books In Schools

Words: 534
Pages: 3

Part A - Elaborate on the following questions. One hundred years from now, will the world be better or worse than it is today? In what ways would it be better/worse? Why do you need to be a member? Please describe in detail. I think the world will be better and worse in some ways. I think that technology will be more advanced, but people will be completely changed, there will be tons of new diseases. Part B - Use the link to answer the following questions:

What are some arguments for banning certain books in schools? Some arguments for banning books are the use or hints towards things like racism, foal language, or illegal substances. The goal is to censor and shelter more children.
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Books like The Lorax, Charlotte’s Web, Where the Wild Things Are, and The Great Gatsby are being banned.

Define censorship Censorship is when something is filtered out due to specific. Why are certain types of books challenged in school districts? People believe that some books are too harsh for kids to read. When supporting banned or censored books, what do legal experts say parents have the right to do? Parents can censor the shows their children watch at home, and what they say in front of their kids. As well as parents only being able to not sign a permission slip for a reading book, they don’t have much control over what their kids read at school.

Part C - Use the link to answer the following questions: