Banning Books In Schools

Words: 578
Pages: 3

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” (First Amendment - Legal Information Institute). For Centuries people have debated censorship. Some people argue that some pieces of art or literature are immoral and so should be banned. While others believe that it infringes on individual rights. I believe it will infringe on individuals rights. If people do not like what they read or look at they have a choice to not look or read it. In this argument essay I will be talking about banned books in schools, Individual rights, and putting materials that offended people in reserved areas. Schools ban books that you do not necessarily know why. Literary works are censored and banned for many different reasons. Some books that are banned from schools are Judy Blume's Forever, Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, and Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. These particular books have been …show more content…
What makes this so interesting because whether your child goes to a public school or private every child will hear or even see sexual behavior from their classmates. Therefor banning a book due to inappropriate sexual content is not only ridiculous but there is no reason too. No matter what your child will be exposed to sexual behavior it will be no difference if your child reads a book that has sexual content when him or her probably are fully aware of what they are talking about due to what they have already seen. Also as it states in this article “Works such as It’s Perfectly Normalby Robie Harris and Heather Has Two Mommies by Leslea Newman, among others, face demands for removal