Staff Meeting Minutes

Submitted By jimboslice93
Words: 877
Pages: 4

Staff Meeting Minutes
Excused: Angie Kaysen-Luzbetak
Guests, Neal Kauffman, Kerry Lane, Jim Baskin
Neal Kaufmann talked about Dual Credit/Career Clusters/Pathways. He distributed a folder of the programs that are in place.
Kerry Lane and Jim Baskin distributed English 101 Embedded Developmental Writing Packet. This outlines the pilot English 101 class for students who score in the 70’s on the compass writing score.
Linda distributed information from the LRC as Catherine Suchy could not attend the meeting. These supplies were purchased with the Student Success Grant. Items included information on the super scanner, pencils, Cliff notes/additional study guides for over 500 subjects and titles. Whole sets were ordered. Example: One of the subject titles was on the Great Depression and the New Deal. Topics do vary The Play away was demonstrated, which is great for traveling and listening to books. Students will also get a free print card that is preloaded with 22 cents. These cards normally cost a dollar. Catherine visited all the GSD 100 classes and spoke about these materials.
Linda also stated that the library has over 420 textbooks in the Main Campus Library. They are in-library use only for 2-3 hours. She also noted that in the when the library moves to the new campus center, the name will change from LRC to Library.
Carol: GSD updates-Pre-Req checking and holds: Annette has now corrected all of these issues including GSD placement and ACT scores. Carol also asked that we push summer GSD courses and she is currently working on SP2012 staffing of courses early due to her upcoming retirement. Needs an answer either way ASAP.
Carol also mentioned that she has some older brochures from Channing-Bete that she no longer uses in GSD classes because they changed into a new guide for GSD 085 and will no longer be using binders. Did the counseling staff want them for anything? It was determined they would be a good resource for the ESP groups with a few distributed in each office.
Carol still has issues with compass score expiration. It was decided that we would have Annette fix the programming so that compass scores in regard to GSD will not expire.
Committee Updates: Heidi and GSD submitted updates. Emails were sent out on those updates.
Moving Update-Mildred: Office will shut down at noon on June 23 and will reopen at noon in the Campus Center on Monday June 27. There will be a grand opening for the Campus Center on Thursday September 15. The boxes will arrive for packing on Monday June 20. Heidi and Eric will switch their work hours because Heidi was scheduled to work here on the day of the move and Eric was scheduled at North. He will be needed here to help pack his office. There will be a moving committee meeting at the end of May. We will also be able to go in the building again once it is deemed safe and hard hats are not needed. Once the move is complete, we will be able to get a better idea on things we still need in building and may be able to get them back.
Committees for 2012: Linda-Curriculum, catalog, catalog subcommittee and Counseling/Advising Advisory. Jen is on Online Inst Steering committee, Student Engagement and Data, Counseling/Advising Advisory, ASP appeals and NSO and she would like to transition out of that one. Sherri will assist on NSO and may shadow Teresa on FA appeals, and she is