Stanley Cup History

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Pages: 6

In recent years, having a colorful water bottle has become a necessity among college students, young adults and teenagers from companies like Hyrdoflask and Yeti. These are known to be water bottles you might see or have seen on college campuses or schools. However, over the past two years the company Stanley has become widely popular among young people but mostly females for the Stanley Quencher cup which is sold in many different colors and sizes. One person who has become a person of the Stanley Cup trend is 16 year old Amelia Awad from Alabama where in January of 2024 it was reported that she owns 67 Stanley Cups. Business Insider reported the article was first published by the Wall Street Journal and according to Business Insider Amelia had become aware of the Stanley Cup from the social media video platform known as TikTok. The Stanley brand has been around since 1913, which was invented by William Stanley Jr. who made water bottles for men who worked outdoors, but now the Stanley brand has changed that image by marketing to females through the Stanley Quecher Cup. From all of the bright and colorful cups they sell, …show more content…
One thing that everyone who owns a Stanley Quecher cup would most likely say is that one of the reasons they like the cup is because of the colors that the cup is sold in and I think that people say this for their reasons is because it feels boring when you drink out of a plastic water bottle and with the Stanley cup it is reusable. A few other factors that contribute to the reasons as to why people like the Stanley Quencher cup is because of the size of the cup, specifically the Stanley Quencher cup is 40oz so it reduces the need of having to go and fill it up with water more often. The cup keeps drinks cold and hot for long periods of time, so if you fill the cup with ice it takes a longer period of time to melt. - a new