Steroids Research Paper

Submitted By devilboy22
Words: 1995
Pages: 8

When you watch a commercial or look at a magazine in today’s world, you will never see an obese man or women on there. When a sports magazine comes out, the most fit or best looking athlete will be on there from football or a masculine. This puts stress on kids and younger athletes to be in this shape and to look like this. The kids will be determined to get in better shape for sports and look the best for their peers. This is a lot of pressure that they can not handle. Some kids turn to steroids or other kind of performance enhancement in order to get these results quicker without knowing the side effects. The image of being fit and being the best for sports is so important to people that it has them hurting themselves in order to achieve what they need. “Health effects of anabolic steroids”. The drive that athletes have makes them want to be more like professional athletes is causing more problems than it is helping. The use of steroids in professional sports has increased and become more popular as time has gone on. Even now in baseball, this time frame is referred as the steroid era. One man by the name of Gregg Valentino took steroids so much his arms exploded. “The Man Whose Arms Exploded’ Gregg became careless and kept sticking himself with needles, this developed an infection in his arms and he had to get an operation in which he lost all his muscle that he gained. The steroids were addicting and he could not help himself but to take them while trying to become a professional bodybuilder. (The Man Who’s Arms Exploded, 1) Many students in school or college know how hard it can be to become fit. A person can be smart and have all the knowledge in the world but it will not be an easy life without a good social life. Many times a socially misfit kid is not the best looking person or the most talented athlete. In most cases, the more popular a student is. The more athletic a student is normally means they are in good shape and very masculine kids. The students are always in the gym and are strong but many kids find their own group of friends and the other kids want to be like the popular kid. However a recent survey showed that many of the kids that use steroids are non athletes.(Drug Detection Report, 1) This time frame is also referred to the Steroid era.( The amount of steroids in professional sports is increasing , this is happening in all sports including football, baseball and many others . In order to become better at sports, young adults will go to the gym and try to develop the athletic body. After a while they realize it is taking too long to see the results they want when comparing themselves to professional athletes. So the young athletes will start to find short cuts like steroids. The kids who use the steroids normally start to become careless. The College of American sports Medicine took a survey of 500 steroid users and found the results to be shocking (Drug Detection Report, 1). “The majority of the users said they are self administered their injections and 13 percent said they reuse needles as well as sharing them”. (Drug Detection Report, 1) When they become careless like this with the needles they can develop infections in their body. When they use the needle without sterilizing it, it can develop bacteria on it and once this bacterium gets inside your body it will cause infections and major swelling. When Gregg Valentino became careless like this his arms became very swollen and filled up with pus.( The Man Whose Arms Exploded, 1) Many people in general take drugs and do things without thinking about the consequence. In the case of steroids, this happens as well or they know about the consequence but don’t care about the effects of them. The effects can be deadly and can take away all of what you worked for in your life. The effects aren’t just physical, they are mental as well. The physical effects can be deadly but the mental can push everyone away from themselves and make