Stressful Life Events Triggers Of Depression

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Pages: 7

There is nothing like the disease called Depression, anything can cause it and it can make a person feel that nothing can heal it either. Gives the person this sense of being taken away from reality, often resulting in making the person feel alone. Loneliness is the worst possible situation for a person going through depression for the sole reason that depression brings out the deepest and darkest out of someone. The biggest ly when it comes to depression, is when someone says, “Nobody knows what caused this” the fact is that the person does know why, they just don’t have the correct mindset and capability to focus on their trigger in which why therapy exists. The most common trigger to depression is anxiety, anxiety brings doubt, fear, and …show more content…
Triggers, that lead to depression, are results from past and current life experiences, it can be as simple as a final in your toughest class or the incomings of a baby into your life. A segment of the people that are fully aware of these triggers and all share one thing in common they all most likely have the same trigger, as illustrated in the article from “Violence and Other Stressful Life Events as Triggers of Depression and Anxiety: What Psychosocial Resources Protect African American Mothers?” , “This study explored whether three psychosocial resources-emotional resilience, social support, and ethnic identity-serve as protective factors in the face of specific stressful events that may trigger African American mothers' depression and anxiety symptoms. Standard self-report measures of depression, anxiety, negative life events, community violence, abuse, emotional resilience, social support, and ethnic identity were administered to African American mothers ( N = 209) of 2-18 month-old children. Linear regression models revealed main effects of negative life events…” (Abstract …show more content…
It’s sometimes difficult to describe depression in a sentence than rather than admitting it’s just horrible, depression just sucks. If you are or know someone that is going through depression please go seek out for help before it's too late and if you don’t it doesn’t hurt to get educated on the topic for the future.

Work Cited
“” Signs of Depression, Therapy and Counseling for,
Fitzpatrick, Carol. Coping with Depression in Young People. A Guide for Parents. Vol. 10, ser. 2, Wiley Blackwell, 2004.
Mihalas, Dimitri. “Impact of Mood Disorders on Victim, Family, and Friends - Articles - Bipolar Disorder.” HealthyPlace,
Mitchell, Stephanie, and Cynthia Ronzio. Violence and Other Stressful Life Events as Triggers of Depression and Anxiety: What Psychosocial Resources Protect African American Mothers?, Springer Science & Business Media B.V. , Nov. 2011.
Wheeler, Regina Boyle. “7 Factors That Can Trigger a Depression Relapse.”, 21 Apr. 2016,