Professor Iden
English 1120
12 April 2014
Annotated Bib
Carney, J. J. "Displacing The State: Religion And Conflict In Neoliberal Africa." Journal Of
Church & State 55.1 (2013): 149-151. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.
New religious movements throughout African states develop constantly overtime in response to what they view as Government neglect. Though reasons vary from country to country, these groups often fight for there specific rights they want to obtain in their communities. Although this may sound like a just cause, not all rebel groups promote positive agendas, but those who do fight for the right causes and gain a following are often labeled as “strong religion states” by outside critics. J.J. Carney reviews the book “Displacing The State: Religion And Conflict In Neoliberal Africa”, which consists of eight group specific cases that gauge how they create conflict and peace. Strong religions are present in Africa but so are strong states, which creates social conflict. This article provides an explanation for why rebel groups take action and how some can be domesticated to become acceptable.
Haynes, Jeffrey. "Religion, Ethnicity And Civil War In Africa: The Cases Of Uganda And
Sudan." Round Table 96.390 (2007): 305-317. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
This article provides a snapshot inside of the causes of many civil wars that occur throughout Africa. For decades, civil wars have erupted based on groups fighting behind religious/ethnic beliefs and also due to poor leadership/development. Author Jeffrey Haynes uses the African countries of Uganda and Sudan in order to provide further insight on specific civil wars and rebel regiments. Tables are analyzed to point out civil war and religio-ethnic fragmentation in warring African states. Haynes argues that political leadership can be successful if religions feel that certain officials are trustworthy. Also in order to combat fighting, countries would have to democratize so that populations feel that they matter. Nonetheless, growth cannot be stalled by developmental gains from leaders.
Linden, Ian. "Christian-Muslim Conflict And Reconciliation In Africa: Joint Action For Human
Development'." Transformation (02653788) 22.4 (2005): 203-210. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
Religions are often able to unify masses and to allow a process for humans to develop based on a religious agenda. In Africa, religions often cause groups of people to fight based on ethnic and religious beliefs due to a lack of nationalism. Muslims in Africa are at war with governments and Christian majorities constantly in order to establish their interests, but more importantly they are at war within. Ian Linden uses this article to point out the conflicts between African versions of Islam and how reconciliation can become effective.
Manby, Bronwen, and Chidi Odinkalu. "Peace And Justice In Africa." New Economy 11.3
(2004): 153-157. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
When war ends and the healing process begin, many are left seeking for justice and stability. Civil war in Africa deals with many inhumane and corrupt acts by individuals of power