My GPA is my main focus right now. To be completely honest I made a big mistake when I started college. I registered for college at Northwest Vista a campus that is completely on the other side of town. Knowing that my family was in the processes of moving I still registered to go to that campus. Later on after the move I would drive about 30 miles just to get to school. Every morning I would wake up an extra 45 minutes to get to my detestation. The distance only became a huge problem when my 1999 Toyota Runner started braking down on me. Little by little things started braking and soon the entire engine finally gave out. I didn’t have any transportation for work or school. My parents would only take me when they could and would constantly remind me that I couldn’t make it a habit. I was old enough to know that they couldn’t keep supporting me on getting to school. I soon began to stress and give up on things. Yes I did stop going to school and failed a few of my classes that I couldn’t attend because of my transportation which is the reason my GPA is one of my main focuses. I took an entire 2 semesters off before I started school again. I was ineligible to apply for financial aid because I was on GPA suspension. When it was time to go back to school I would be so miserable at home because I couldn’t pay for school out of pocket. I always had this overwhelming feeling when it would come across my mind or somebody would bring it up. I would remind my mom that I hated just working not making anything of my life. I had to get back on my feet.
Wellness (22)
This category measures on somebody's physical and mental state of mind. The reason I think I rated low in this category is because of the following reasons of ; lack of nutrients and over stressing. I have never watch what I consume into my body. I have always been real confident under my own skin. I learn that just because of being confident and okay with how I look doesn’t mean that my body’s health is okay. I will try and consume more fruits and veggies in order get the minerals and vitamins to help the brain function. I am also looking into enrolling into some Yoga classes to relieve some on the stress and knots I have to help me through out my days.
Responsibility and Control (20)
This category measures on how you organize and take control of your actions. Responsibility is something that we all should have. I rated average in this category as well because I try to make sure I have upcoming assignments written down and organized. I try not push this off. All though I do feel like I do that the most. I feel like I will learn to say no sometimes because I have to take the responsibility that I work to do and it shows that I am in