Student Recess Research Paper

Words: 625
Pages: 3

Did you know that the CDC recommends at least 30 minutes of time outside for students enrolled in school? But not all schools in the United States above 5th grade have scheduled recess times. Teens need to get that anxiety out of the nervousness of assignments off-site, it can also benefit to making new friends. There are many benefits to teenagers all over the world getting time for recess such as not being in a classroom to relieve stress with a mental break for students, it gives time to find people to bond with and start friendships. Having time for recess is great for students and acts as a mental break. In the article "Do Teens Need Recess" by Scholastic Choices, it states that teens do in fact need recess, according to Ryan Nguyen, a …show more content…
This can be beneficial to students to exceed in life and it can happen through recess. In summary, recess is very important for the growth and development of students. Everyone can have opportunities to make friends and meet new people. Do Teens Need Recess? "A article written by Scholastic Choices proves teens and kids do need recess. Having recess for kids, especially those who struggle with making friends, is why it is needed. Students having trouble making friends can use recess to find things that they enjoy with their peers, such as playing sports, or talking about movies/shows. Making students stay inside and sit in a class is hard for social interaction, and recess can be a solution to this issue. "Recess for Everyone" by K.Oliver proves that physical time outside has made students excel and try new things like sports or outdoor fitness equipment while getting to do it at their own pace. Oliver also states that physical activities and sports help students calm down and relate back to the classroom as students may be more