Although smokers sometimes claim they are more productive than nonsmokers because smoking allows them time to reflect on their work goals, smokers overall are less productive. A 2007 Tobacco Journal study by Peter Lundborg of University of Amsterdam found that smokers took 11 more sick days than nonsmokers did -- eight days when you factor in variables like a smoker's tendency to take more risks and have poorer health. There are other indirect effects on productivity, such as an increased rate of early retirement in smokers. Allowing smoking in the workplace also forces nonsmokers to inhale toxic chemicals from cigarettes. Secondhand smoke increases the cost to insure nonsmokers, because it is a verified source of lung cancer for nonsmokers, according to the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General. Smoking costs employers $97 billion a year in lost productivity and secondhand smoke an additional $10 billion, according to the CDC. The average health insurance policy for smokers costs businesses an additional $300 per year in premiums in constant 1983 dollars. The typical employer incurs an extra $45 a year in injury and compensation costs per smoker. Smokers also do about $10 in damage per smoker per year in fire damage, according to Action on Smoking and Health. Some employers, such as Whirlpool and PepsiCo, charge workers several hundred extra dollars in insurance premiums because of their high-risk to the company.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) is an excellent resource for providing consultation and guidance for your supervisors and managers as well as professional assistance for your employees. EAP offers free, confidential assistance to stop tobacco use. Services include free face-to-face sessions for assessment, intervention and referral to community resources. Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US, yet more than 46 million Americans still smoke. However, more than half of these smokers have attempted to quit for at least one day in the past year. Quitting smoking is hard, but you can increase your chances of success with help. Educating yourself, making a plan, using online resources, enlisting the help of family and friends, and talking to your