Supreme Court Roles

Words: 630
Pages: 3

The Supreme Court is one of the highest courts in the country. The Supreme Court's job is to understand the Constitution and make sure laws align with it. Through the power of judicial review is how the Supreme Court evaluates what the constitution says about laws and government action. They also protect U.S. citizens' rights by ensuring that other branches of government do not intrude. In this essay, we will dive into why the Supreme Court is important, examine the Supreme Court roles and analyze a selected Supreme Court case. The Supreme Court is one of the most important parts of the United States government. The Supreme Court ensures that the constitution is fair and follows the rules. This helps the United States create a check and balance …show more content…
system of government, that the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government are subject to review and possible invalidation by the judiciary. Judicial review allows the Supreme Court to take an active role in ensuring that the other branches of government abide by the Constitution.” This text just further explains what judicial review does for the United States. The Supreme Court also settles disagreements between state and federal laws that make sure everyone has the same rules.

Cases that go all the way up to the Supreme Court do not just go there automatically. Cases get all the way up there through a process called appeals. When people disagree with a case from a lower court decision, they can ask the Supreme Court to review it. However, the Supreme Court gets to choose whether they want to judge it or not. Most of the time, they pick cases that are controversial and raise important legal questions. Even though there might be a lot of cases that get appealed to the Supreme Court, only a few make it. One Supreme Court case that has been most significant in recent years is Obergefell versus Hodges. The reason this case was controversial is