Electronic health records (EHRs) have been promoted as an important tool to improve quality of care.
A national health information system
A way for medical doctors to exchange health records
Access for the patient to his or her health records through a designated patient’s portal
Health care providers are able to enquire patients’ time-critical and general data
The system stores the patient’s
medical history and is a vital
information source for physicians
Patient Portal – access by one’s ID card to his or her medical data regardless of time and place
Patient no longer needs to carry papers between different physicians
Physicians have an objective and accurate overview of the patient’s health history
In collecting data to the EHR it is no longer necessary to recall earlier diseases or drugs
Better overview of the health history improves the medical quality
Improves and speeds up exchange of information
between physicians of different specialisation
between specialised and family physicians
for mutual counselling, considering second opinions
The system provides and overview of time-critical data of the patient
A more comprehensive and faster overview of the medical history
earlier visits and diagnoses
results of research and analyses
issued prescriptions
portion of an EHR contains a unique patient identifier, usually consisting of a numeric or alphanumeric sequence that is unidentifiable outside the organization or institution in which it serves.
RADT data allows an individual’s health information to be aggregated for use in clinical
Electronic health records health (EHRs) records have
been analysis and research. promoted as have an important been promoted tool to asimprove an
unique patient identifier is the