Theory one – Engagement/Activity theory
This theory was made by Bromley in 1966, he said that people may need to disengage but they also need to keep active mentally and physically and it is important that elderly people don’t become too disengaged as they would lose mental and physical skills. Bromley also said that elderly people needs to keep and interest in life and have company with other people whether its family or friends. Elderly people need to be educated to be able to use the facilities which are provided to keep them active. Bromley said that it is important that they abandon any fixed habits they have so they are able to learn how and why they need to use the facilities to keep them active.
Physically this theory helps elderly people remain healthy and fit further on down the line. This theory says that it is important to use any facilities available for elderly people, such as local swimming pools have certain times just for elderly people and also some classes for them, within a gym they also have certain times and classes available for them. These classes will allow them to remain physically active with other people there age to make friends and not feel embarrassed. Intellectually this theory states that it is important to stay active mentally so they don’t become disengaged mentally. This lowers the risk of early signs of Alzheimer’s as the mind will be more active and they will be able to keep memories active to. Emotionally this theory helps with doing something about your emotions, for example, if your angry you could just go to the gym and have an intense workout to get you anger out. Socially, this theory is helpful as there are facilities and classes you can go to where other people around the same age will be going to the same places at the same time so friendships and relationships can form and take place. Also it says that it is important to enjoy the time with other people such as family.
Theory two – Disengagement theory
This theory was made in 1961 by Henry and Cumming. They said that it is usual for elderly people to withdraw themselves from social interactions and involvement. Cumming has said that elderly people will want to reduce social contact and become more individual and that this ‘disengagement’ is a natural part of ageing. This has been supported with Bromley in 1974 saying that they don’t have the resources and facilities they used to have when they were younger so they will feel that there is nothing for them and withdraw themselves from going to social interactions. This theory says that withdrawal and losing contact is an unpreventable biological occurrence and it will happen in later life. Even though many researchers do not agree with this theory we have to remember that when Cumming and henry thought of this there was no internet or text messaging technology in that time.
Physically this theory says that there is nothing available for elderly people and that there is nothing they can do to prevent becoming unfit and sometime seizing up. Intellectually there is nothing available for them to learn or become more intelligent of what is going to happen to them. Emotionally elderly people will most properly become depressed and lonely going through this stage as they will