Therapy Dogs In Children Research Paper

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Pages: 10


New to Me Paper

Allison Colardo-Newman

University of Georgia

Therapy Dogs in Children?s Reading Programs

My search for a new to me concept in reading led me to explore and learn about therapy dogs in children?s reading programs. Currently, there are different programs within this framework across the country, which have proved to be quite effective and have become very popular. The programs may be found in schools, libraries, and other locations throughout communities. The programs are based on important psychological aspects of enhancing children?s self-confidence and self-esteem by means of children-friendly
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It is always fascinating to discover new methods which address issues that have been known as challenging for a long period. I was surprised by the popularity of the therapy dog reading programs with educators, librarians, and parents, as well as with the extent to which this practice is used in many different states. Researching the various programs instructed me as to the main principles of their practice. It was a kind of revelation for me, for I was unable to imagine that dog therapy techniques in this specific teaching and learning field could be so effective. After learning about them, I would like to visit a therapy reading program session someday. I?d love to see how all these techniques work in the real-life setting, with different dogs and kids, and, possibly, I?d enjoy volunteering in a project of this kind. My search for Therapy Dogs in Children?s Reading Programs started with Welcome to Reading with Rover! It is a community-based literacy program, with teams of volunteers working in the schools, bookstores, and libraries. The program operates in Puget Sound, Washington State. Reading with Rover formulates its? goal as making the program available to all schools as well as other reading and learning facilities where teaching reading can be practiced. In the Rover program, similar to other programs, children who experience reading difficulties read …show more content…
For one, it is usually best to have the same child read to the same dog each week (S.H.A.R.E. Reading Dogs Program, 2011). Additionally, therapy dog handlers are specially trained volunteers that follow certain rules with young readers. The main requirement for handlers is not to judge the child and to behave in a way that is a helping and friendly manner. This non-judgmental requirement serves as additional encouragement to a young reader. With some programs, handlers have ?Working with Children? checks conforming to state regulations. Most importantly, both the volunteer handler and the therapy dog are trained to encourage reading aloud and a desire to practicing reading skills. Reading aloud is a crucial kind of practice for young readers, which often defines their further progress with reading and may have a far-reaching impact. As pointed out by Marcia Invernizzi, a reading-education professor at the University of Virginia, ?children sound out letters and recognize words when they hear them? (Svrluga, 2012). Therefore, they need plenty of practice of this kind, which is not always feasible at school or even at home. In sessions with dogs, they have more chances to do that in an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere. Similar programs have been implemented in schools of New Zealand and Europe where they have also been very effective in removing students? fears of