When directly spoken to and consistently corrected changes in attitude occur from negative to positive. Parents often offer words of encouragement and offer alternatives when possible allowing the toddler to feel included in the decision making process. Social interactions within the household were really strong especially since the family eats dinner everynight all together older siblings included. All siblings play a close role in the little tods life His 7 year old sister is perhaps the second favorite since she is closest in age and the primary play mate but the mother is number one since she is the primary caregiver and the one the toddler seeks the most intimacy from. The Father who is not the primary caregiver and is quite the hard working man may not be around as much but proves to be quite the excitement when home. Older siblings take on responsibilities when parents are busy and do quite well at it. Since they follow the same parental role style as their parents boundaries are well established. Gender roles in this household were very clear and based on cultural tradition. Men are seen as "Macho" and masculine. They are expected to work and take on manly duties such as labor work .Woman are known to be the nurturers and are expected to take on household responsibilities as well as the majority of child care responsibilities. Although both genders looked after the little tod. A majority of his time was spent with the females in the