Tropical Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 1171
Pages: 5

Tropical Rainforests

Have you ever thought about what would happen if we lost our rainforests? Not many people do. As we speak, trees in rainforests around the world are being cut down causing the earth to get hotter. Even though this is adding to the greenhouse effect people aren’t stopping. Not only does this affect our climate, the many plants and animals that call the rainforest home will be lost forever as well. This paper will discuss and outline the important components of a tropical rainforest including the climate, landforms, location, and other important and interesting facts regarding the tropical rainforests across the world.


Most rainforests are located near the equator. Waterways including the Atlantic Ocean,
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There are rivers flowing through the Amazon Rainforest (Richardson). In the Amazon Rainforest, the Amazon River flows zig-zag all the way through the rainforest.

Producers and Decomposers in the Rainforest

In the rainforest, there are three layers, the canopy, which is the tallest layer that has trees that grow between 100-200 feet. The second layer is called the understory that contains shrubs, ferns, palms, small trees, and vines. The third layer is called the forest floor, this floor grows herbs, mosses, and fungi (“Biotic Factors”).

A producer is an organism that makes it’s own food from light energy. There are many producers in the rainforest. For example here are some producers, bamboo, banana trees, rubber trees,cassava, bromeliads, avocados, fruit trees such as lemon, orange, etc., air plants, vines, shrubs, ferns, epiphytes, and orchids (“Biotic Factors”).

A decomposer is an organism that breaks down dead animals and plants and provides nutrients to the soil. For example here are some decomposers, earthworms, fungi, termites, bacteria, protozoans, single celled creatures, insects, and parasites.