Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 715
Pages: 3

The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is a big place that across eight countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. (“Amazon”, 2016). Amazon Rainforest got this name from Amazon’s river, and it receive 9 feet or more every year. (“Amazon Rainforest”, 2003). These forests have been found for 55 million years at least; moreover, Amazon Rainforest joins many different animals and plants. Also, some of these organisms not yet found and discover in the world. (“Amazon Rainforest Facts”, 2015-2016). In my research, I will talk about what is the Amazon rain forest and what is the problems that face it, also how it damage the weather and how can we fixes that. After the reduce temperatures formed tropical rainforest during the Eocene era. It widened when
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( “ why the Amazon Rainforest is important “, 2016 )

1) Reduce your paper and wood consumption:
Reduce the use of paper and wood because it hurts the environment and also because the environment needs to trees because it purifies the air of harmful gases, we can replace the cloth, and this can help us to save trees and plants.
2) Reduce your oil consumption:
Increased use of use of oil and coal leads to climate change and that the main reason that harm the climate is, and we can mitigate the impact of oil by reducing the consumption of gas and oil so that the frequent use of the car lead to increased burning of gas, so you can ride a bike or use mass transit.
We care about the Amazon because more than 20% of our oxygen comes from there, and it includes a lot of animals, and it contains a lot of endangered plants. ( “ 10 reasons why we need the Amazon Rainforest” February 10, 2009