Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 834
Pages: 4

The Amazon rainforest gives 20 percent of the world's oxygen supply. Scientists also say that there are things they have not discovered. So somewhere out in the amazon there could be a cure for cancer and many other diseases from the plants of the amazon. There could also be new animals, insects and different kinds of species we don’t even know about. The thing I don’t get why so many people agree to deforestation because we as people are slowly dying and we don’t even know it. I feel like that if they knew that they were dying the would try to stop themselves from dying any way that can. I mean who wants to die.

Environmentalists have been studying the amazon since the 1970’s.They don’t live in the Amazon rainforest, like a few of the other amazon groups. But they work in the Amazon rainforest. There are a few different kinds environmental groups but they all
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They may have friends or family going through the pain and suffering every day of their lives and so they may want to help by searching the thick, humid ,hot ,and ,sticky Amazon rainforest.But this group works very hard to find different things and try to think of different ways to help the improve the environment. When they do there work I don’t think that all the other groups should not be telling them to get lost, they are not hurting anybody or anything.And any way the other group do not own that land, so they don’t have a right to tell the environmentalists or anybody else to get out of the rainforest. But the loggers should not even be talking because they are the ones harming the forests and it’s creatures in