Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 940
Pages: 4

The Amazon Rainforest, home to 427 species of mammals, as well as the human species, which also inhabit the Amazon.This unique area of the world, posses 40,000 species of plants, 378 species of reptiles, and 400 different indigenous Amazonian tribes.There are many reasons to protect the Amazon rainforest because it has much importance to its human, animal, and plant life, living there. Many ask, why should we protect it? Many ask what are the benefits and potentially failures, if the Amazon is not in a safe, liveable environment for the many different species that it conceals in its expansive forests and its many villages? The real question that we should be pondering about, should be what will be the consequences for these species, that rely …show more content…
If these species don’t have the right living habitat, which includes a source of food, water, and a source of proper shelter, than these species will likely not be able to live. The Amazon is also home to many endangered species, that need certain habitats and climates, in order for themselves to stay alive and all these changes that people are causing are not helping the fact. (, states “When ecological services break down, say when a river becomes polluted or its flow is restricted, there is an immediate effect”. This shows that if something little happens, say if one of the rivers there becomes polluted and not drinkable, it has a major effect on the different consumers that it has, which look at it, as a source of hydration. If the animals there, don’t have a proper way of living, they may die. Them dying has a major effect on the tribes and people who hunt for their food, not having any because of the lack of population of …show more content…
The developers that are doing this, will put a negative outcome out for the animals and people living there for several reasons. One way that it will affect them, it will lower the biodiversity in the rainforest. What that means, is that there will be less plant and animal life living there, because of the change in habitat that they will be experiencing. The change in habitat, would include less food to eat, and no form of liveable shelter. The Amazon Rainforest by ReadWorks, also states “As new farms and factories begin to replace the forests and villages in the Amazon, they will produce more carbon dioxide, and there will be fewer trees to absorb this gas”. This means that if there are fewer trees to absorb the carbon dioxide gas, the rainforest and planet may heat up and that is severely bad, as many things may not survive this intense