Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 765
Pages: 4

Write a short, three-paragraph report on the Amazon Rainforest:
Paragraph 1: Write a description of the Amazon Rainforest—definition of rainforest; characteristics; location and size of the Amazon Rainforest.
Paragraph 2: Write a description of the resources found in the Amazon Rainforest—why is the rainforest so important?
Paragraph 3: Write a description of the problems and threats the Amazon Rainforest now faces.
Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, include several supporting details, and end with a concluding sentence. You will be graded on both content and presentation (punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and grammar).
By definition, a rainforest receives, at least, six, and a half feet of rainfall in a year. Within that broad choice, rainforests are found on every continent except
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Researchers have found more than 500 species of trees growing in a single two-and-a-half-acre plot. Countless thousands of other plant species are also found in the rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest land stock of carbon, in form of trees, leaves, and roots, of the world. Also, by one estimate, 20 percent of the planet's oxygen delivery is generated by the Amazon Rainforest. The reason for this is that the huge mass of vegetation in the Amazon Rainforest absorbs carbon dioxide and converts it to oxygen. The plant life found there—and nowhere else—is also valuable in other ways. More than a hundred companies that make medicinal drugs are studying the native flora, found in the Amazon Rainforest, to find plants that might contain cures to a variety of diseases. The Amazon River manages closely one fifth of the total volume of freshwater in the world. The Amazon works like a great air conditioner; it cools down the temperature in the entire world by one or two degrees celsius and helps to balance the humidity and rain in several parts of the