Amazon Rainforest Research Paper

Words: 545
Pages: 3

The Amazon rainforest variety biodiversity is of plants and animals living in one area. Each biodiversity has an important purpose, but with several groups wanting to do different activities interferes with the Rainforest development. The Environmental Group came to The Amazon Rainforest for various of reasons, some came to study rainforest plants and, hoped to find plants that could cure diseases. While others came to study rainforest animals. Still, some came to work with native peoples. The environmental groups believed that the most appropriate way to address land conflict in the Amazon Rainforest is to protect the rainforest.

For example, protecting the rainforest will also protect the biodiversity of the rainforest. According to the website, it states “Rainforests support an incredible range of plants and animals. Species interactions contribute significantly to the health of the rainforest ecosystem and its resilience. Protecting species and their habitats
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As stated by the Adventure Life website, ”Tropical forest species serve Western surgery and internal medicine in three ways. First, extracts from organisms can be used directly as drugs. For maladies ranging from nagging headaches to lethal contagions such as malaria, rainforest medicines have provided modern society with a variety of cures and pain relievers.” There are people that rely on the tropical rainforest for many different reasons, and one of the main resources provided by the rainforest are medical treatments. Another website states “About 7,000 medical compounds prescribed by western doctors are derived from plants” to further explain, unprotected rainforest with unprotected plants can lead a lot of people in danger of health because most of the medical treatments that are used today come from the