Vaccination Persuasive Speech

Words: 530
Pages: 3

You feel it pierce your skin, and then pain comes. You clench your teeth in pain, and then it’s gone. What you just experienced was a vaccine. Many parents in the U.S. are refusing vaccines for their children, while some are still allowing their children to be vaccinated. Vaccines prevent many diseases that can be fatal. Vaccines, if administered regularly, also have the power to completely eradicate diseases. Meaning, that they will never come back, because every last trace of them has been destroyed. For these reasons, all children under the age of 6 should be vaccinated in order to prevent diseases such as rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, and polio.

First, vaccines can protect you from all sorts of illnesses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) when you receive a vaccine, the disease is injected into your body, but in a weakened state. Your body then forms antibodies to fight off the germ, which it does because the germ is weak. Your body now knows how to fight off this germ, so when your body is attacked by the disease, it will be ready. This effect is called immunity. Also
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But, according to the CDC, the risk of side effects occurring are extremely low (, p.1). And even if they do happen, they are usually not worse than the disease itself. Also, The Vaccine Book supports that if the side effects do occur, the most severe reactions are rare. Also, some are only temporary, such as the Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), which is muscle weakening or paralysis (The Vaccine Book, Robert W. Sears, M.D.).

In order to prevent diseases, Vaccines should be administered to children under the age of six. First of all, they prevent children from catching diseases and illnesses; and second of all, vaccines can completely eradicate diseases. If vaccines continue to be administered, they will save millions of children from