Walt Disney Research Paper

Words: 360
Pages: 2

Walter Elias Disney was born onDecember 15th 1901 .Regarded as a pioneer inthe American animation industry. He iswhat many would call a cultural icon . Walt Disney was born in Chicago as ayoung boy he took extra art classesand eventually got a job as acommercial illustrator at the age ofeighteen in the early twenty's he and his brother Roy Disney established theDisney Brothers Studio which would goon to be known as the Walt DisneyAnimation Studios. This studio becamepopular for the creation of manycharacters and intellectual propertiessuch as Mickey Mouse that are still wellknown today as the studio groupbecame increasingly successful whileDisney became more adventurous withhis ideas. Later he introducedsynchronized sound and color to his animations . Walt Disney opened Disneyland 1955 …show more content…
But the one probablymost influenced by Walt Disney himselfis the Walt Disney Animation Studiosthis division is located in BurbankCalifornia from 1966 until 1984 there was a severe declinein the popularity of Disney films. Itwasn't until Michael Eisner took overthe restructuring that Disney returned toprominence and eventually led to whatnow is called the Disney renaissance in 1989 the Disneyrenaissance is easily identifiable bymany of their most cherished films suchas beauty and the Beast The LittleMermaid and the Lion King these filmswill go on to create a legacy ofexcellence for Walt Disney Studios tolive up to they achieved a status in theindustry rarely seen for animationstudios and set a new bar forexcellence and story animation andoverall production design the filmsduring the Disney Renaissanceacquired many awards from differentinstitutions including many best picturenomination. Starting at about 1994 until