Having waterwells provides women and especially children to do better things with their time, like getting an education. Instead of walking a long walk, they could learn about things like: personal hygiene, how to create a toilet, how to build a well, how to build a tap, and many other things. Water 1st International talks about the water crisis and effect on children, and says “over 90% of diarrheal death is caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation, and insufficient hygiene”. Even having a water tap at home could give women, men, and children more time in their day to do important chores. Families in Honduras desperately need the freedom and choice to make themselves healthier and water supply better. …show more content…
For the people that have to walk to water, it is a scary journey. The hot sun beats down on them, or wild animals lurk for a tasty meal. Water Mission talks about how they walk and says “every day, millions will wake up before the sun rises to trek miles away to get a simple bucket full of water, only to turn right back around for the long walk home”. Furthermore, home can be a danger too, most mothers that have young ones; are faced with the decision of either bringing their children with them on the long hot journey, leave them home alone, or have the children walk for the water