Jack Roosevelt Robinson was first black baseball player to integrate(Sv) into a major league baseball team. Jackie broke the color barrier when he played baseball for the brooklyn dodgers . Robinson who was the the first african american to play for the brooklyn dodgers was twenty eight years old when he played joined(w-w). Because Robinson was black people were not supportive of him but black people(bc). Jackie said if you give me uniform and a number on my back i will play for you. Jack had a bad temper but thankfully he did not express his feelings on …show more content…
Russell loved the game of basketball and growing up he always wanted to be a professional basketball player but instead he was a professional basketball coach for the celtics. Because William was black some white people didn't support him or his team(bc). Like Jackie Robinson he ignored his haters and went on coach. Bravely (ly) he kept coaching knowing something bad could happen to him or his team. William spoke out for his race because he was fed with all of the ignorant comments about his race. William made a speech about the the comments and people in the world. After the speech it inspired every race that there is no point in to make fun of people because they are different from