What The American Dream Mean To Me

Words: 556
Pages: 3

“The American Dream belongs to all of us.” Kamala Harris, a California Attorney General stated her opinion about what the American dream means to her. My definition of the American Dream would be that everyone has the equal opportunity to be able to have everything they want and be able to live out their dreams. The American Dream is different for everyone since everyone has different views, dreams, and goals for their lives. People are able to create their own American Dream. My version of the American Dream would be to have my education, have my dream home and have time for myself. I always want to do my very best in everything that I do and that connects with my education. Throughout my education, I have learned many things and have achieved good …show more content…
I would like to go to the University of Louisiana to pursue my career as an ultrasound technician. As Juan Carlos Reyes says in Sanchez’s article, “A college degree has become, in effect, the lottery ticket of American life.” I agree with this statement because a college degree can help with anything you would like to do in life. Since I was young, the two main aspects my dream home would have would be a swimming pool and stairs inside. The reason for the stairs is I see many people with stairs in their homes and I also wanted to have stairs in my home. The reason for the pool is I would like to come home and relax by the pool after a long day and just be able to swim in it during the summer time. The most important thing for me when it comes to a house is that I want it to truly feel like home. I want my home to be my safe haven. Despite all of the chaos going on in my life because of school and work, I would like to maintain a schedule and give myself some alone time in the future. My favorite hobby is reading; my favorite genre of books are romance and