The American Dream Research Paper

Words: 1836
Pages: 8

The Dream That Seems Lucid only at A First Glance When most people in the United States think of what it means to be living the American Dream, everyone has a slightly different idea of what it means, but for the most part, they’re all very similar. For example, one person may believe the American dream to be a white picket fence and two children, while another person may believe the American dream to be just simply to be content with what they want to be in life. The American dream is believed to be the ideal state of success, it can be based solely on one’s own personal fundamental ideas of success. However, what most people tend to leave out when thinking about the American dream is how unfair it is, to even begin to believe that every person is capable of acheiving the same amount of Success in the United States. The American dream is a flawed concept of success, that is derived from the overall state of society in …show more content…
Everyone should be able to create and accomplish their own dreams without the constant backlash from societal standards, however that’s not the case and it just hasn’t been for centuries. In order to see improvements with the American Dream and the equal opportunity for every group when it comes to the dream society must first realize that all of these concepts like gender, oppression and Race are just as much of social constructs as the American Dream is and they do nothing but harm people’s level of success they may be able to obtain in life. This could be done in many ways, but the best ways would be to change education and the way we teach children in specific what it means to be part of a specific group and how flawed it is to believe just because you’re biologically different from someone else in the ways of gender or race, that you may be entitled to believe you stand above them in certain