Why After High School Is Important

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Pages: 2

There are many reasons on why continuing your education after you graduate high school is important. We all know that it’s not the easiest thing to do, but nothing in life is easy. By obtaining a college degree you gain yourself a better lifestyle by being more qualified to do a job than someone else which leads to more pay, and it also secures your future. Employers in today's society look for people with a college degree rather than someone with just a high school diploma. It’s not like it was when my parents were growing up where you could go out and get a decent job right out of high school. I have been in the working world since the age of fifteen and I have seen first hand what it’s like for people who didn’t go to college who are forced to work a minimum wage job. I do believe that is why college has become a priority for me to at least obtain an associate's degree to not only benefit myself right now, but also in the future. College might cost you money now, however you will be able to earn it back when you're finished getting your degree. Some might ask how will I be able to earn that money back? You earn it back by obtaining a better paid job than with someone without a college degree. If you don’t continue your education after high school and go right into the workforce don’t expect to make much more than minimum …show more content…
How does it secure your future? By having a higher level of education people generally have better job security because they are actually qualified for that position. Jobs that require a college degree aren’t ones that you're at for a year or two you’re there until you are old enough to retire. Some people go from job to job because they think they deserve better, but those are also the people who don’t have a college degree. Going to college can be challenging sometimes, but so is life so learn to deal with the hard times because it will all be worth it one