Why Do Stricter Gun Laws Be Affected By Gun Violence?

Words: 500
Pages: 2

Hey, let's talk about gun violence. Thankfully I haven't been affected by gun violence. But if there are stricter gun laws, these situations would go from bad to worse.
Many people believe if you make it harder to get a gun, gun violence goes down but this is false. If this were true we would have a lot fewer junkies (drug addicts). If you look at the charts gun incidents happen more at places with strict gun laws. California had the worst shooting in us history killing 54. But yet has the strictest gun laws. One of the largest shootings in Texas kilt 26 half of California. Yet Texas has some of the loosest gun laws. But on gun control, Texas got an F- yet California an A+. So, yes the "research" can be bias, Also something to remember the