Why I Want To Attend College

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Pages: 4

I would like to attend college, being I want to be a role model to my family, due to I am a first-generation student, and I would like to make my family proud by being the first one to attend a university and obtain a higher education, which will bring me one step closer into realizing my career goal. Being a first generation student and seeing my father work hard constantly, in order to provide and maintain our family, gives me motivation and strength to obtain a higher education, which neither of my parents could. In addition, my father has perpetually, encouraged me and motivated me to attend college, in order to live a better life off, and to not be constantly working in a low income job, in order to just get by. My family's economic background …show more content…
I strive to prepare myself and excel academically in order to, become a dermatologist, being someday I want to be able to make an impact on various lives, and be able to serve humanity in the field of medicine. Furthermore, the achievements I have achieved through my years in school, such as being in the top five percent of my high school’s senior class, and being recognized as a rotary student of the month, an award given to students with outstanding academic achievements, have molded me into maintaining a hard-working ethic, and always challenge myself to reach my ambition of becoming a dermatologist. Not to mention, I have maintained a role of leadership, by guiding and helping my friends and classmates, which is an essential quality I must continue to carry on for my future goal of being a dermatologist, due to I must be able to help and effectively communicate with patients, in order for their conditions to improve. Furthermore, becoming a dermatologist is an extensive process which, requires a hard-working ethic, self-motivation, and rigorous work, which traits I possess and plan to maintain throughout my path in becoming a dermatologist. Similarly, my friends …show more content…
Furthermore, the various, skin disorders, and conditions which dermatologists are able to treat and help patients is an expertise which I strive to obtain, being it is a wonderful feeling when you are able to help someone in great need, and make an impact on their life. In addition, I am interested in dermatology, due to I have experienced the treatment which, dermatologist’s offer and I received, a feeling of relief knowing that they are able to help me and made me feel better about myself and gave me peace of mind knowing they are doing everything they can to help my situation. Thus, I strive to prepare myself and excel academically in order to, become a dermatologist, being someday I want to be able to make an impact on various lives, and realize that everyday I am helping various people who need help. Moreover, I plan to study in college Biochemistry, which explores the chemistry of living organisms and that of their biological processes, which will give me an excellent foundation for medical school as well allow me to better understand the biochemical changes and physiological alterations in the human body, which is an excellent knowledge to understand patient's problems. I hope to achieve in college the skills and knowledge necessary to be prepared for the MCAT an important test for medical school applications, which I plan to