I firmly believe in this, yet as the burden of college debt started to weigh on me, I decided that I need to get a job quickly after I got on campus. Fortunately, I was able to find a job as a peer advisor, aligning with many of my beliefs, but also giving me new insight into service to the community. I connect students with the community through volunteering and I have seen many different viewpoints regarding volunteering. I am also in the process of taking on a new role as the Community Engaged Scholars Program’s Student Administrator allowing me to learn from students that are very experienced in volunteering. By joining the Outdoor Club I have had the opportunity to participate in three trips, one being a volunteer camping/hiking trip to clear trails in northern Minnesota. Being a member of this club has introduced me to new people, experiences, and viewpoints, from which I am able to look at my own college career and potentially future differently. I have become much more focused on making a change through business that will positively impact society. At the start of second semester, I was accepted into the Future Youth Leadership Institute and am currently planning a community event with other members as our community involvement project. Recently, I have started volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, joined the sales team here on campus, and started attending the International Business Association meetings and I cannot wait to continue learning from these