Why Kids Should Start Later Research Paper

Words: 524
Pages: 3

Schools Starting Too Early
How many hours of sleep do teenagers get each night? According to the article “Should schools start later?” by Debate.org “teenagers get an average 7.4 hours of sleep a night. But teenagers need to get 9.5 hours of sleep every night.” That means that most kids need to get about two more hours of sleep every night. But how can the students get more sleep if they have to wake up early for school. A solution would be for schools to start later so the students could sleep in more. But this solution has problems one is that kids could go to sleep later because they wake up later.

Ways this is a problem is that kids would not focus because they are too tired. According to the article “Should schools start later?” by Debate.org “Teenagers should have longer to wake up and prepare for school properly. Also the concentration levels would increase.” Also some students are too rushed in the morning and don’t have time
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According to the article “Should schools start later?” by Debate.org “Just shifting the school time by 45 min would make a huge difference and solve countless problems!! I believe that all schools who are not already starting at 9:00 should make the change today!!” Pushing the start time back would also improve grades. According to the article “Should schools start later?” by Debate.org “With extra sleep students will be able to concentrate more. With extra sleep [there] [won't] be as many students falling asleep in class. When students get their sleep they will bring up their grades while being more focused on what they need to to do to succeed in their classes.” It would also affect the mood that the students come to the classroom in. According to the article “Should schools start later?” by Debate.org “I think it would be healthier for the students because they will be getting more sleep and your mood is greatly affected by the amount of sleep you