Several studies show that high school students are among the most sleep-deprived groups due to academic workload, sports, extra-curricular activities and starting their day too early. A study by Harvard and Oxford found that school districts adjust schedules to match the biological wake-up times of each age group. According to another study, the results showed that students’ grades improved by 4.5% after opening an hour later. Just by delaying the school’s opening time by an hour, there was a visible increase in grades. School districts that experimented with later start times found that students manage academic workloads much better. Giving students more time to sleep will improve their academic performance because after obtaining the recommended amount of time, students will be more alert and have more energy, so they will be able to sit through their classes and not feel tired. A study that included 9,000 high school students conducted by the University of Minnesota found that grades, test scores and overall performance in the core subjects advanced significantly when school start times were switched to later